When you have a great product, a good website can often get put on the back burner—until it starts to hold you back. Jovial, an Italian brand, was storming the U.S. food market with transformative organic and gluten-free products. Yet, as demand grew, their website wasn’t able to support a thriving eCommerce model. They needed a web developer and marketing partner that knew how to take the next steps foward. Newbird was excited to help lead the way.
Jovial needed a full service agency with vision and experience to help take their brand to the next level.
We had a holistic approach when it came to updating Jovial’s website. We started with a discovery session, taking the time to carefully review the brand assets they had built thus far. We saw a lot of equity in their existing efforts and began to strategize how we could market them more effectively.
Content Strategy
& UX/UI Design
We provided creative direction and guidance throughout the entire web design process, ensuring the look would flow seemlessly inside the functionality requirements of the Magento framework. Every step of the way we kept in mind best practices and user experience, from conversion rate optimization to load times and messaging. Their blog was going to play a big factor in showcasing their products and driving conversions.
Copy and design are two of the most foundational aspects of digital marketing no matter the platform.
Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the process of increasing the percentage of users or website visitors to take the desired action. Think: a customer adding a product to their cart or purchasing a product at checkout, clicking a link on your website, or subscribing to your email list. All that good, digital-age stuff.
We began to hone Jovial’s digital marketing mix: starting with SEO. We identified the highest performing posts on their blog and helped to drive new traffic to it with a focused SEO strategy. We coupled that with a pay-per-click campaign targeted towards their current customers and new visitors. Using the highest potential keywords and the right budget, we delivered marketing that drove a consistent return on investment.
With our eCommerce web development, we helped take a global brand direct-to consumer with Magento.
A digital marketing strategy is a plan that helps businesses reach specific goals through carefully selected marketing channels and tactics. We like to think of it as an itinerary for an upcoming trip: we’ll want to develop a plan to make sure we’re getting the most out of our time, budget, and visits to certain destinations along the way.
When it came to bringing Remedy’s branding to their website, we left nothing to chance. We made certain everything was in its right place and that we were accounting for all functionality. Their content needed to tell their brand story and our wireframe planning and strategy ensured things like functionality, user experience, calls to action, and everything in between was all coming together to create the highest conversion rate possible.