  • 15+ years experience
  • 400+ happy clients

What is Branding?

Branding is defined as the marketing practice of creating a name, symbol, or design that identifies and differentiates a product or business from other products. Yet, in today’s market, an effective brand strategy must (and should) go more than skin deep to resonate with customers. Your company and its product(s) aren’t only defined by your name and how you look, it’s your soul that can differentiate you in a crowded or new market space.

Transformation Services:

Whether you need to develop a brand identity for the first time, looking for a refresh, or a complete overhaul, we know it’s hard to trust someone to get it right. And if you’re like most businesses you’ve probably been burned by designers and agencies in the past. At Newbird, we’re a brand agency that likes to take a different approach—getting to know your products and business inside and out before we wow you with an innovative design that differentiates you from competitors.

Transforming How Your Brand Looks & Feels.

As a brand marketing agency, Newbird believes in designing a presence that creates a strong emotional connection with customers—everything about your brand needs to speak to them, from messaging to design. With our expert team of researchers, strategists, designers, and writers, we get to know everything we can about your business, along with what and how your customers perceive it. Taking everything we’ve learned to create a brand that is the most meaningful to them, online or off, you’ll be left with a standout look that’s ready to take on any marketing communication or campaign that wins over your audience.

Certified Awesome

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Ready To Transform?

Our three-phased brand transformation process is designed to make a strategic difference.

Brand Therapy

Your brand is like a person and if you’re looking to transform, we’ll have to work from the inside, out. During Brand Therapy, lead by our team of brand experts, we’ll learn more about your business, its products, your competitors, and your customers to evaluate how your brand can evolve in the most meaningful and impactful ways.

Brand Story

Most people have a past, it’s what makes them who they are. During Brand Story, we’ll identify yours: key differentiators, expertise, voice, tone, values, and culture—illustrating who your brand is to better connect with customers whether new or old. 

Brand Design

Now it’s time for the fun part. Newbird is a design-first brand agency that prioritizes robust, fresh, world-class design. Your business is unique, as we’ll just have discovered during our first two transformation phases—and your brand design should reflect that. It’s the last key branding element we’ll use to ensure that you’ll connect and stand out to customers.

Our process runs deep



Let’s dig in deeper. First, we learn about you—then we get to work. Sound good? We think so, here’s why.


Project Plan

From there we plan the work, then work the plan. Meanwhile, we give you a bird’s eye view of everything we’re working on together.


Project Kickoff

A solid strategy is at the heart of everything we do. We’ll never kick off a project without it.


Brand Foundation & Design

Strong brands are built on solid foundations: market strategy, customer mapping, messaging development, and design—all combined. 


Ongoing Design, Development, Marketing

We know running a business takes constant effort, and we’re ready to help. 

We are the
company we keep